Do you have a question about the ferry to Vlieland? Perhaps we already answered your question below. Frequently asked questions with answers regarding the ferry to Vlieland. Questions about parking, rates, schedule, reservations, etc.
Frequently asked questions ferry Vlieland
How long is a return ticket valid for?
A return ticket is valid until the date of you return journey, you do not have to travel to Vlieland and come back on the same day. You are allowed to stay on the island for multiple days.
What is the duration of the crossing?
From Harlingen to Vlieland (and from Vlieland to Harlingen) the crossing takes 90 minutes. With the fast ferry express service the crossing takes only 45 minutes.
Is there free WIFI available on the ferry to Vlieland?
Yes, there is free wireless internet (WIFI) available.
Can I take my dog on the ferry?
Dogs are allowed on the ferry service as well as on the express service, free of charge. You do not have to buy a ticket for your dog.
Are bicycles allowed on the express service?
It is allowed to bring a bicycle on the ferry, although you need to purchase a separate ticket for your bicycle. Bicycles are only allowed on the express service between Vlieland and Terschelling.
Is a scooter or tricycle allowed on the express service?
Yes, on both the ferry and the express service it is allowed to take a scooter or tricycle on board.